Adam Tomaszewski-搜索结果

  • 全权委托 Carte Blanche


    导演:亚采克·卢森斯基   编剧:亚采克·卢森斯基

    主演:Kaja Lusinska, Adam Tomaszewski, 安娜·特雷莎·诺瓦克, 安杰伊·索帕, 安杰列·查拉, 乌尔苏拉·加拉波娃斯卡, 阿尔卡迪乌什·雅库比克, Eliza Rycembel

      Carte Blanche is a story about respected high school teacher who hides his progressing blindness from everyone around him - his friends, family, students and superiors. The medical diagnosis leaves little hope. Due to a genetic disorder Kacper is faced with a very real possibility...